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Folk horse racing festival held in Nyingchi celebrating culture, tradition of Xizang

2024-07-22 18:53:14


The folk horse racing arts festival event was held among the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region, July 22, 2024. The folk horsing event, a vibrant celebration of Tibetan culture and tradition, is renowned for its thrilling horse races and cultural performances, attracting thousands of spectators, including locals and tourists across the country.

Horse racing, the main highlight of the festival, saw fierce competition among skilled riders from various regions of Xizang. Participants, dressed in traditional Tibetan attire, showcased their equestrian skills on the racecourse, which was set against the stunning backdrop of Nyingchi's lush landscapes and snow-capped mountains. The races included various categories, from speed competitions to riding and archery, each drawing enthusiastic cheers from the crowd.

The folk horse racing event offered a great opportunity to emphasize the importance of preserving Tibetan culture and traditions, educating visitors about Tibetan history, religious practices, and the significance of horse racing in Tibetan society.

Photo taken on July 22, 2024 shows the opening ceremony of the folk horse racing event held during the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Photo taken on July 22, 2024 shows the venue of the folk horse racing event during the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Photo taken on July 22, 2024 shows a race horse in Tibetan traditional dressing during the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Photo taken on July 22, 2024 shows a race horse in Tibetan traditional dressing during the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Photo taken on July 22, 2024 shows a race horse in Tibetan traditional dressing during the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Photo taken on July 22, 2024 shows a race horse in Tibetan traditional dressing during the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Photo taken on July 22, 2024 shows a young participant attending the folk horse racing event during the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

Photo taken on July 22, 2024 shows speed competition held at the folk horse racing event during the 7th Niyang Tourism and Cultural Arts Festival in Nyingchi, southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. (Wang Xinyuan/Guangming Picture)

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